The splendour of the Palais Garnier. Ballet movements in the Great Hall: entrechats, pas de deux, ronds de jambes upon sumptuous parquet floors, polished with beeswax. Richly upholstered foyers reach to the very roof of the Opera, where thick streams of honey are collected from hives which spread forth giddying notes of Absolute Beeswax, rendered sublime by minute additions of Sandlewood and Styrax resin. Contains Benjoin, Sabdalwood, Cedarwood and Vanilla, Beeswax Absolute, Honeyed Note. Perfume designed with Françoise Caron.
The best incense in the world is found on the island of Awaji, due to its favorable climate. For more than a thousand years it has been made here by the Koh-shis or Masters of Aromas, a tradition passed down from father to son. They alone perfectly master the four stages of production: the dosage of exclusively natural materials, precious woods, herbs, plants, vegetable resins, and perfume; the kneading of the dough, pressed and worked for a long time, then left to stand for two weeks to soak up the fragrance; the cutting of the dough, rolled into long, narrow ribbons, to the desired size; then drying in the west wind for three days before bundling the sticks.
Contains 125 incense sticks. Made in Japan.

Michael Edwards Fragrance Wheel
Developed by esteemed fragrance expert Michael Edwards, the Fragrance Wheel divides scents into 4 different families – Floral, Ambery, Woods and Fresh, containing a total of 14 subfamilies.
All perfumes have a place on the Fragrance Wheel depending on their olfactive properties. By identifying your favourite families, you can easily discover new fragrances that you'll enjoy.
Do you already have a favourite? Use Match My Fragrance to search for similar scents in Libertine's luxurious collection.
Perfume Guarantee
We'll include a matching free sample with your full-size perfume purchase online. If you aren't happy with your sample, you can return your unopened fragrance and exchange it for another.
It is a beautiful perfume redolent of the plush interior of the Paris Opera, the excitement and the glamour It is distinctive but not at all overpowering. I have used it for several years and purchased this time as a gift. I am certain it will become a favourite with the recipient! My order was delivered promptly and I was kept advised of delivery along the way.